Wrongful Death

Compassionate Representation For Wrongful Death Cases

At Guy O. Kornblum, A Professional Law Corporation, our attorneys understand the emotional and financial toll that comes with the unexpected death of a loved one. If a property owner or supervisor’s negligent or deliberate actions are shown to have played a role in the wrongful death of your loved one, you may find it beneficial to contact an experienced lawyer and explore ways you can obtain fair compensation.

More Than 40 Years Of Experience

Though no amount of money will ever be enough to bring back your loved one, your family deserves justice. You have the right to file a claim against the liable party. It’s important that the cause of preventable accidents is investigated so that other people don’t get hurt. Our lawyers have helped clients for more than 40 years.

It is understandable that you may be reluctant to take legal action if you have experienced a wrongful death in your family. It is stressful to think about the time needed to build a strong case. What if you don’t win? Will you be able to obtain enough compensation to cover the cost of damages?

These are all valid questions that a lawyer can provide you answers to. It can be frightening to think about litigation against a large and powerful company. However, as the relative of the victim, you are within your rights to seek compensation and closure.

With professional advice and support from a lawyer, you don’t have to face the intimidating claims process alone. There may be questions about legal matters you want resolved first before you proceed with a claim. Our lawyer will take the time to listen to your questions and answer your concerns during your consultation as well as throughout the case.

Filing A Wrongful Death Claim

It’s important to file a wrongful death claim as soon as possible, due to the statute of limitations. Under California law, the time period is two years from the date of your loved one’s death. The later you wait, the more difficult it may be for a lawyer to gather the evidence needed to build a strong case. The relatives who are allowed to file a wrongful death claim are limited to the victim’s spouse, partner, children, dependent minors and other individuals who are eligible under California law.

You Want An Experienced Attorney

Families affected by a wrongful death accident should not have to bear the burden of expenses alone. Wrongful death cases can be complex, and it is recommended that you work with an experienced legal team. Our attorneys have the skill set and knowledge to build a strong case and fight for clients. If you would like to learn more about your legal options for a wrongful death of a loved one, schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced wrongful death lawyer that San Francisco, California, trusts today.

Protecting Your Rights When You Or A Loved One Is Injured

ccidents change lives in seconds. When a serious injury or death results from a motor vehicle accident or any incident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, those affected should not have to shoulder the financial burden on top of their physical pain or emotional loss.

The attorneys at Guy O. Kornblum, A Professional Law Corporation, advocate for injured parties in personal injury lawsuits. We also represent surviving family members in wrongful death lawsuits when a loved one has died as a result of someone’s negligent or intentional actions.

These cases are complex and require substantial resources to resolve. Oftentimes, they are aggressively defended by experienced attorneys who represent large insurance providers. It is essential for victims to enlist the services of knowledgeable attorneys who know how to build strong cases.

We Understand Insurance Companies’ Tactics And Know How To Counter Them

Guy O. Kornblum, A Professional Law Corporation, represents individuals in Northern California, across the state and throughout the United States in personal injury lawsuits. We work closely with medical professionals, accident reconstruction specialists and other experts to develop strong cases.

Our objective is to put more money in your pocket than you would recover without us, even after our legal fee is paid. Because we accept all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, our clients only pay attorney fees if we obtain a recovery for them. And we offer a free initial consultation, allowing you to find out whether your case is viable at no risk. You have nothing to lose by calling our attorneys.

We represent clients in a wide range of personal injury lawsuits, including:

  • BART, bus and train accidents
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accidents
  • Serious personal injury overview
  • Slip-and-fall accidents (premises liability)
  • Taxi and cars for hire accidents
  • Truck and large vehicle accidents
  • Wrongful death

Paying Attention To Details And Keeping You Informed Are Our Priority

Many clients come to us after becoming frustrated with a lack of accessibility and communication from their lawyer at another firm. We ensure that you are informed of all of your options, and that you fully understand the short-term and long-term repercussions of the decisions that are made.

We also help our clients receive the medical treatment they need. We communicate on your behalf with medical providers regarding billing and handle all communication with insurance company representatives.

Although most personal injury cases are resolved without litigation, it is important to enlist the services of trial-tested attorneys like ourselves, who can advocate on your behalf in court if a fair agreement cannot be reached through negotiations.