All too often, auto insurance companies try to low ball policy holders and accident victims who are rightly entitled to fair payouts for medical payments, damage to a vehicle, and even consequential uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.
Also auto insurance policies provide lawsuit protection if you are sued by a third party for causing an accident. In these scenarios, an insurance company is required to defend you and also pay for settlements or judgments. However, insurance companies may shirk this duty at your expense. Our legal team has extensive experience advising and representing our clients in matters pertaining to misconduct on the part of insurance companies that results in financial consequences for you and your family, or your business.
What Does “Bad Faith” Mean When Referring to an Auto Insurance Matter?
Insurance companies are held to a specific “duty of care” under the law as their choices pertain to policyholders and others entitled to legitimate payouts. Unless you have failed to pay your insurance premiums or you have neglected to follow the prescribed process for submitting a claim, your insurer cannot devalue or reject a legitimate claim, legitimate request for coverage-related compensation, or need to investigate and settle a legitimate claim. If your insurance provider engages in misconduct that causes you financial harm, you may have solid grounds for legal action.
It isn’t always easy to know whether an insurance provider’s misconduct has resulted from human error (a “simple mistake”) or from an intentional decision to act in bad faith. It is partially for this reason that it is important to connect with an experienced auto insurance bad faith attorney San Francisco, CA residents turn to if you have reason to believe that a legitimate claim has been devalued, rejected, denied, uninvestigated, unsettled, or otherwise compromised in ways that should not be occurring under the circumstances. Our experienced legal team has the knowledge and resources that will allow us to efficiently and effectively investigate the situation at hand and advise you of your legal options accordingly.
Protecting Clients from Bad Faith Auto Insurance Practices
If you are not an insurance professional or a legal professional with years of experience handling bad faith insurance matters, you may understandably be unaware of your rights as a policy holder and of how to spot when your rights are being violated. Know that our San Francisco, CA auto insurance bad faith attorney team does not, in any way, expect you to be well-versed in the nuances of insurance law. That’s our job. All we need you to do is to speak up and ask questions in the event that you believe you’re being denied rightful coverage, that your claim has been devalued, that your claim has been rejected without a legitimate basis, etc. Too often, insurance companies take it for granted that policy holders will fail to question their decision-making. By scheduling a consultation with our experienced legal team, you can better ensure that your rights aren’t being taken advantage of by an auto insurance provider convinced that you won’t fight back.
Legal Assistance Is Available
If you feel you have been wronged by an auto insurance carrier in California, the lawyers at Guy O. Kornblum, A Professional Law Corporation can help. Call our offices in San Francisco at (415) 440-7800 or use the form below. We serve clients in the Bay Area and statewide. Our San Francisco, CA auto insurance bad faith attorney team looks forward to speaking with you.