Nothing is more tragic than the financial, physical or emotional abuse of an elderly relative. If someone you love has been taken advantage of in any way, the attorneys at Guy O. Kornblum, can help you make sure they get proper care and fair compensation. We protect the rights of elder abuse victims throughout California from our office in San Francisco.

Elder abuse and negligence claims are highly sensitive cases that involve a unique set of rules. Our lawyers have more than 40 years of experience handling these matters. We represent clients in a wide range of elder abuse cases, including nursing home negligence or abuse, and fraudulent practices against an elderly victim by business entities or individuals.


Under California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, victims of physical abuse or their families may recover past and future medical expenses related to the abuse, as well as damages for pain and suffering. However, these cases are complex. As with medical malpractice lawsuits and personal injury claims, they require a great deal of resources to develop and resolve. This is no time to rely on inexperienced legal counsel.

  • Assisted Living Abuse
  • Dependent Elder Abuse
  • Elder Abuse Involving Neglect
  • Financial Elder Abuse
  • Handicapped Elder Abuse
  • Nursing Home Abuse
  • Over 65 Personal Abuse
  • Physical Abuse

If you have reason to suspect that someone you love has been the victim of physical or financial elder abuse at the hands of a nursing home, hospital or other institution, do not hesitate to protect his or her rights. Call or use the form below to schedule a free consultation.